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[SCANS] Detail of Heroes 05: Kamen Rider W - Kirifuda
[SCANS] Detail of Heroes 05: Kamen Rider W - Kirifuda
[SCANS] Detail of Heroes 05: Kamen Rider W - Kirifuda
100 HQ Scans
Size: 134 MB (RAR) | 140 MB (Extracted)
Download Links: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

*Credits to Tokumaru for the upload*
Kamen Rider W (Double) Tokusha Photobook KIRIFUDA / Hobby Japan
12 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    could it be that there`s something wrong with the password, because it doesn`t work

  2. GekiDan Says:

    It works. Tried it myself before posting it here.
    More clue: "song"

  3. Justicity Says:

    Having the same problem. Tried all caps, no caps and caps at the start of each word, with a space/apostrophe and without. Is there anything more to it than just two words?

  4. Justicity Says:

    Got it now, though I still think the format of the text should be made more clear.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Keep getting a "file is corrupted" message when trying to open the RAR. Oh well, I can live without it.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks. Your file work just fine.

  7. Anonymous Says:

    urgh, how hard can this be? :( more clue please?

  8. Anonymous Says:



  9. Anonymous Says:

    "NOBODYSP_R___T" what?

  10. LuCiel07 Says:

    even with GekiDan's clue, you can actually get it.



    ♫♪♪ Kizutsuitaaa ... ♫♫

  11. Anonymous Says:


  12. Anonymous Says:

    Hi, I have tried more than 5 times, but every time it will stop at 66.7%.
    Does someone have the same problem.
    How can I fix it.


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