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[SkewedS] Ikimono-gakari - Nostalgia PV
[SkewedS] Ikimono-gakari - Nostalgia PV
Well, it's only been several months, but we finally have the second of two PV releases for the 2010 Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo live-action movie. ikimono-gakari is back with its great understated, slightly melancholy musical style, this time providing the theme song for the movie, Nostalgia.

This time around, instead of giving us clips from the film, we get a completely self-contained story. But (spoilers!!) time travel still seems to be involved. Or is it? It's open to interpretation. Or is it? Actually, time travel is most definitely involved. Or is it? (Remember the first rule of comedy, folks: the rule of three)

Anywho, it's a nicely-made little video and stars the always-adorable Naka Riisa. We hope you enjoy the karaoke (and the marginally-done onscreen typesettting...)! If you don't, you're welcome to rue us in silence!

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Congrats to our very own UkiyaSeed for making an awesome Splash for this SkewedS release. Keep up the good work bro!
Get your own copy: Ikimono-gakari - Nostalgia @
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    who's the actor on the vid??Thanks..

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